I’m going to try to do these exercises periodically for fun
I saw this tweet regarding outdated software in aviation and wanted to tackle this exercise for fun.
Let me know what you think and here we go
A solution that manages fleet allocation and flight scheduling
A solution that incorporates resource allocation data
We are building this product for the employees of the airline and not consumers
Assumptions and Scope:
Product needs to cover several elements:
Accept data of customers purchasing flights, changing flights, and cancelling flights through integrations
Fleet management and resource (crew members and pilots) allocation
Crew members/pilots will choose their preferences on schedule and destinations 1-12 months before flights
They will see their schedule one month prior
Managing flight cancellations and delays
Out of Scope:
Go-to-Market strategy (the analysis of should we actually penetrate the market and how vs. not)
Consumers buying flight tickets
Anything pricing related: pricing strategy, pricing optimizer, loyalty programs
Assigning gates
Architecture Design
Normal OAuth - 3 roles: System Admin, Captain, Flight Attendant
API gateway of all API’s
We expose our API’s so that our system can accept customer bookings via an Integration and update seat info
Delays and Cancellations
Expose our API's so that our system can accept delays and cancellations data
If Delayed, send a webhook to trigger a creation of new Flight record
More details are at bottom in Details - Appendix section.
Load balancers to scale the global system horizontally
I chose a NoSQL Document Database like CouchDB or MongoDB to handle the large amounts of data that can be retrieved instantaneously
Platform Design - Entities
There will be four entities. Reminder that our database is like MongoDB - NoSQL Document Database.
Note: I’ve provided more a concrete examples at bottom in Details - Appendix section.
Team Member
{ "id": 264, "name": "Connor Captain", "role": "Captain", "home_base": "San Francisco", "date_started": "2008-06-23" }
{ "id": 359 "Make": "Boeing", "Model": "737", "Status": "Active" }
Fleet records needs to be consistent with Flight schedule. For example, if the fleet ID: 623599 is being used for the SFO-IAH route on April 3rd, then that fleet record cannot be reused during that exact time
All flights will have an origin and a destination. A scheduled departure DateTime and arrival DateTime. Crew members. Status. Fleet.
{ "Origin": "New York", "Destination": "Los Angeles", "ScheduledDateTimeDeparture": "2023-05-01T10:00:00Z", "ScheduledDateTimeArrival": "2023-05-01T13:00:00Z", "TeamMemberCaptain": { "id": 578, }, "TeamMemberFlightAttendants": [ { "id": 6969, }, { "id": 985, } ], "FlightStatus": "On time", "Fleet": { "id": 8592963 }, "DomesticOrInternational": "International" }
Adding the Scheduler Entity to Team Member
Cabin crew will log into the system and create their schedules more than one month ahead of time. They bid for their routes according and submit time off. They have lower and upper limits on how much they work per week as determined by admins.
New example of Team Member record in JSON format:
{ "id": 264, "name": "Connor Captain", "role": "Captain", "home_base": "San Francisco", "date_started": "2008-06-23" "scheduler": { "flight": { "id": ObjectId("61520a6d74f6b612bf8ce40b"), "flight": { "id": ObjectId("58204b6y07f5b367iq8eo58v"), "flight": { "id": ObjectId("40190d2p73e4r109ou5nk65c"), } }, "time_off": [ { "start_date": ("2022-02-01T00:00:00Z"), "end_date": ("2022-02-07T23:59:59Z"), "status": "approved", }, { "start_date": ("2022-03-01T00:00:00Z"), "end_date": ("2022-03-07T23:59:59Z"), "status": "approved", } ] }
Platform Design - Workflows and Events Requirements
When the flight becomes full, there will be an event driven trigger that changes the Status of the Flight to “Full” and the API endpoint will return errors to additional POST requests
A fleet cannot have a flight within 2 hours (Scheduled DateTime Arrival - Scheduled DateTime Departure) of another flight
The Fleet of a Flight’s Origin must be the same airport as the Fleet of it’s next Flight’s Destination
The cabin crew members create Scheduler records. There will be lower and upper limits as set by admins. For example, if a Flight Attendant tries to submit their time for 10 hours for the week and the system requires them to submit for 20 hours a week, then the Flight Attendant will receive an error and will not be able to submit their entries.
There is an automatic scheduler job that iterates through all of the team members, fleets, and flights and is a linear programming problem. A human needs to approve the proposed schedule on a monthly basis
How Would I Measure Success of Beta and First Releases
How many users are logging in per week?
Is the Flight entity being used. Is the automatic scheduler being used
Response times to delays and cancellations - have they been reduced?
Customer feedback - because of our MVP solution (all fields are required, we meet the minimum requirements for a functioning system), we’ll want to see what appeals to the end-user that solves pain points.
Competitive and Market Landscape
NavBlue - a software scheduling product and direct competitor
PagerDuty / ServiceNow for the immediate response time problem (for delays and cancellations)
Feature Requests for Post-MVP
Mobile app for Cabin Crew members submitting their schedules
Notifications to Cabin Crew members that they need to update their schedules
Integration with Okta or other SSO providers
Reports and Dashboards
As a flight attendant, I’d like to know how often I’m working and how much time I’m taking off
As a Regional Director, I’d like to see which flight segments are getting the most full so that I can consider adding a flight segment for that route per day/week
Enhancement to above: Generative AI on Reports and Dashboards
How Would I Prioritize Future Features
Definitely mobile app first because cabin crew would like to submit their schedule requests and updated requests
Where Do I See this Product in 3-5 Years after Beta?
As a consumer, when you’re booking a flight, you sometimes wait until the price goes down. Sometimes you wait too long and the prices increase. How do the algorithms work and decide when/how to increase/decrease prices?
I can see our product expanding to be a scheduler and pricing strategy optimization product
Gate scheduling - this would expand to be a SaaS solution for airports and not just airlines. This is also a major pain point for not only airlines but also consumers
Details - Appendix
Bonus requirement
Admins will be able to configure certain settings. For example, frequency of ability for crew members to update their schedule. Set minimum and maximum employee working hours per week
API gateway of all of your API’s, such as:
We expose our API’s so that our system can accept customer bookings via an Integration and update seat info
POST /flight/seats
Parameters: flight_id, seat_id
Delays and Cancellations
Expose our API's so that our system can accept delays and cancellations data
PUT /flight
Parameters: flight_id, flight_status
If Delayed, send a webhook to trigger a creation of new flight time record
POST /flight/flighttime
Parameters: flight_id, new_flight_time
Trigger a notification and hit external API’s to notify consumers of new flight time
Database Decision
This product will be looking to handle and utilize large amounts of data (and won’t need to do a lot of conditional queries). Therefore and per the CAP Theorem, we will prioritize partition tolerance and availability over consistency, and therefore we will choose a NoSQL database as opposed to a SQL database.
I chose a Document NoSQL over a Key Value NoSQL Database because a Document Database typically supports more advanced indexing capabilities. For example, as a flight attendant, it might be very important for me to look at specific destinations and schedules within a small timeframe, and querying for that will be important for me to schedule my time off. This would not be a simple, key-based database.
We want Load Balancers to scale horizontally because in case one node fails, this would be catastrophic if didn’t have alternative nodes, since we expect our customers to use this product as their global system.
Microservices like Kubernetes and Dockers
Encryption with AWS KMS
Platform Design that includes the relationship among entities using Documents and Subdocuments for a database like MongoDB
"Origin": "New York",
"Destination": "Los Angeles",
"ScheduledDateTimeDeparture": "2023-05-01T10:00:00Z",
"ScheduledDateTimeArrival": "2023-05-01T13:00:00Z",
"TeamMemberCaptain": {
"id": 5498,
"name": "Connor Captain",
"role": "Captain",
"department": "Flight Deck",
"hire_date": "2010-01-01",
"last_review_date": "2022-02-01"
"TeamMemberFlightAttendants": [
"id": 458943,
"name": "Jane Smith",
"role": "Senior Flight Attendant",
"department": "Cabin Crew",
"hire_date": "2018-09-01",
"last_review_date": "2022-03-15"
"id": 458940,
"name": "Bob Johnson",
"role": "Flight Attendant",
"department": "Cabin Crew",
"hire_date": "2019-03-01",
"last_review_date": "2022-03-15"
"FlightStatus": "On time",
"Fleet": {
"Make": "Boeing",
"Model": "737",
"Status": "Active"
"DomesticOrInternational": "International"
My friend, Natalie, who is a flight attendant